Brief blurb:
The Messiah Code by Michael Cordy is a thriller that brings together science and religion. On one hand you have an ancient brotherhood awaiting a new messiah. On the other side of the spectrum, you have Dr. Tom Carter who is revolutionising the science world with his new DNA technology. In an assassination attempt gone wrong, these two worlds are brought crashing together. Can Tom's work help find the new messiah? Can Tom discover a miracle to save his dying daughter?
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My say:
I like a good thriller. While there were a few parts of the story that had me thinking "really?", I was happy in the most part to ignore those little holes and enjoy the story-telling. I really enjoyed the science side of the story. There has already been a great leap in understanding the human genome and the part certain genes play, but is it possible that miracles aren't random, that they are due to your genetic makeup? While I personally don't believe this to be true, it did get my imagination churning. I thought Cordy did well linking the two different elements, science and religion, together. The unveiling of the "messiah" was a bit of an anticlimax because you just sort of knew. In a way, The Messiah Code reminded me of The Da Vinci Code, and not because of the similarity in the names.
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