Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish . Check out The Broke and the Bookish and other TTT lists! Ten Books You Recently Added to Your TBR List! Haha... coincidentally, I think most of my recent TBR list are books I've discovered through reading other TTT lists! And book blogger reviews. Let's see what interesting books I've recently added on Goodreads. 1. The Guy, the Girl, the Artist and His Ex by Gabrielle Williams. This was a surprise inclusion with the next book. 2. Pieces of Sky by Trinity Doyle. Recently won a proof of this (and above) from Allen & Unwin. 3. The Every series by Ellie Marney. Intrigued I didn't know about this series earlier. 4. Reluctantly Charmed by Ellie O'Neill. Not sure where I've added this from but it does sound fascinating. 5. Vicious by V.E. Schwab. I think a natural addition following the below discovery :) 6. A Darker Shad...
Books ~ Food ~ Adventure